Sustainability in the Curriculum
Sustainability education is integrated across our curriculum. Our students have an active role in making decisions and taking actions that contribute to creating a sustainable society and ecosystem.
Some recent sustainability highlights at LEPS:
- Participation by year 5 and 6 classes in the Climate Clever Energy Savers program in 2011 and 2012.
- Sustainability theme – Technology lessons
- National Tree Day - Classes took part in planting many new native shrubs in the school grounds.
- Web Design Awards – Reducing our Ecological Footprint
- Separate bin system for sorting waste in playground and staff room and successful composting and worm farm systems established.
- Staff Development by Peter and Alison Rutherford from the Eco Garden at Kimbriki Resource Centre.
- Visits from the RSPCA and local council EnviroMentors program.
- An environment themed video conference conducted by 2CM as part of the 2012 Sustainability VC Festival.
Green Team
This year another special group of LEPS students have been working hard, and giving up their lunchtime play, to help keep the school green and clean. Through their efforts they are enabling LEPS to cut waste and continue the recycling and composting program.
In Term 2, 2012, they attended an excursion to Kimbriki Resource Centre, where they saw how household rubbish can be recycled and reused. They also joined the centre's ecologist, Peter Rutherford, in the Eco Garden where they learnt about the benefits of composting and worm farming.
School Garden
The LEPS school garden continues to grow. Class groups are helping to plant and tend to a variety of tasty fruit, vegetable and herb plants.
We grow our vegetables organically and food scraps collected from the playground are providing rich compost to enrich our garden beds.
Our three chickens now have a large enclosure to wander and are happily laying plenty of eggs. We sell our fruit, vegetables, herbs and eggs to the community on Thursday morning at our school market stall.