2016 Excellent service to school sport award
The excellent service to school sport award recognises outstanding achievement by teachers and their contribution to student outcomes in sport in New South Wales Public Schools over an extended period of time.
Mr Philip Tilsley has been acknowledged by the NSW Department of Education for his outstanding contribution to school sport at Lindfield East Public School. Mr Tilsley embodies all that sport stands for – individuals and teams enjoying fitness in a community environment.
He has been involved as a long term sports organiser in public education, he has provided young people with support and encouragement to participate in all levels of sporting activity. Mr Tilsley has introduced a myriad of new sports to the school sport structure and has been an integral part of assisting students to achieve at the highest possible levels.
Every year he delivers a comprehensive PE program to 770 K-6 students which has resulted in improved coordination and skill development of all students. Congratulations to our Mr T!