LEPS String Ensemble
The String Ensembles at Lindfield East Public School (LEPS) aims to uplift the students’ music skills to play within the ensemble and build a more collaborative playing and attractive learning environment for the younger musicians.
The current structure for LEPS String Ensemble comprises of 2 groups – Junior String Ensemble (JSE) and Performance String Ensemble (PSE) – ranging from beginner to a more advanced musicians.
The String Ensemble is an extra-curricular activity and therefore funded by fees, paid by semester.
The students discover the passion through a variety of musical experiences under diligent guidance of our dedicated conductors, Mar'yana Sywak and Montanna Teh. Students have invaluable opportunities for performances within the school and at local retirement villages, East Lindfield Community Preschool, Killara High School, Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden, Sydney Eisteddfod and the Sydney Opera House. As well as experiencing enjoyment, the students will develop positive friendships and associations.
String Ensemble Responsibilities
Attending rehearsals
Regular rehearsals are scheduled for each String Ensemble. All students are expected to attend regularly and arrive punctually.
Each rehearsal is approximately 1 hour. Morning rehearsals are 8.00am until 9.00am.
It is a requirement of String Ensemble that each student have regular weekly tuition with their chosen tutor. The school is able to recommend after school tutors and details for parents to contact and arrange directly. The student will only continue to progress at the same level as their peers with competent tuition and practise on daily basis. The String Conductor is not responsible to attend to individual difficulties during rehearsals.
Each family pays their tutor separately. Individual prices vary but are generally around $40-45 per lesson (half an hour). The children may also need a tutorial book and other music for use in their private lessons.
As much notice as possible will be given for all String Ensemble performances. All students are expected to attend each performance. If non-attendance is unavoidable the String Committee must be notified, in writing, as soon as possible. The String Conductor has the discretion to exclude students from performances because of 1) unacceptable behaviour, 2) inability to play performance pieces at an acceptable standard because of poor rehearsal attendance or lack of practice, or 3) inappropriate uniform for a public performance.
Instrument care
Instructions on instrument care can be provided. If in doubt, ask for help. Please don’t try to fix instruments yourself.
As with any other school activity, all String Ensemble students are expected to behave in a cooperative and sensible way. Being part of the ensemble depends on students maintaining a satisfactory standard of behaviour at all times. String Parents helping with String Ensemble activities are to be accorded the same authority and respect as teachers.
A minimum of 20 minutes practice should be done each day, including both band and tutorial pieces. Children who fail to do sufficient practice will not be able to continue in the String Ensemble Program.
String Camp (Year 3-6 Only)
This camp is probably the most beneficial 2 days in your child’s string ensemble experience each year, and should not be considered optional. It starts on Saturday morning with the children having a tutorial session at LEPS, followed by lunch at Collaroy Beach and camp. Finishing on the Sunday at noon which the children are taken home.
A parent roster provides supervision, and each family is expected to assist in some way.
It is at String Camp that all students play together for the first time, and the Sunday afternoon concert is one of their proudest moments.
Our next camp is held at The Collaroy Centre, with the camp dates being Saturday 17 to Sunday 18 October 2020.
String Ensemble uniform
To be worn when requested (mostly for performances outside school).
Both boys and girls:
- White polo top with the string ensemble logo – purchased from LEPS uniform shop
- Long black pants/skirt
- Black socks
- Polished Black Shoes
- Students with long hair should tie it back during performances, LEPS colour ribbon or headband is preferred
It is important that the students take pride in their appearance as this will be reflected in the way they perform as a LEPS String Ensemble.
Fees for 2020
Accounts are sent in Term 1, to be paid by due date. Payment for String Camp is required and included in Term 1. Please pay accounts promptly to minimise the workload of our treasurer.
Failure to pay fees for each semester will result in the student(s) being asked to leave the String Ensemble, unless previous arrangements have been made.
String Ensemble fee
Uniform fee
$35 (White polo from LEPS uniform shop – Senior String and Performance String Only)
String folder
$30 (approximate)
String Camp
Registration From 2020
Behaviour and performance in rehearsals are monitored and recorded as necessary, and this information is emailed to parents/carers, even weekly where appropriate. The String Conductor gives a report to the String Committee on each String Ensemble every semester. Formal auditions happen at the end of Term 4.
Parents Volunteers
It would be impossible to function the whole ensemble without parents assistant. They are there to encourage the love of music and performance and to make significant contributions to the musical culture at LEPS. Their generous involvement from being spectators, financial contributors and coordinating the performances. All parents help of any capacity is most appreciated. String information is distributed to parents predominantly by e-mail, as well as individual notes or via the LEPS newsletter.
E-mail: lepsstrings@gmail.com