Unfortunately, no books can be borrowed from our school library. Here are a few alternatives: Amazon has just announced that their Audible books are now free while this COVID-19 situation continues.
There is also Project Gutenberg which offers mainly classic children’s books for free. This can be found at https://www.gutenberg.org/
https://www.getepic.com/ An online digital library where students can read books online
Ku-ring-gai Library
Use Ku-ring-gai library and access their eLibrary. You must be a member of the library to access the eLibrary. You can sign up online and receive a temporary membership number. Temporary membership will allow you to access online services but is only available for three months at which you need to come into a branch with your ID to finalise your membership.
Free Bilingual Readers Online
2. Storyweaver by Pathram Books https://storyweaver.org.in/
3. African storybook https://www.africanstorybook.org/
4. Unite for literacy https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/
5. World stories https://worldstories.org.uk/
6. Pacifika dual language books https://literacyonline.tki.org.nz/Literacy-Online/Planning-f...
7. Stories read aloud in languages https://iview.abc.net.au/show/play-school-story-time-languag...