Aboriginal Education at Lindfield East Public School involves learning about Aboriginal Australia for all students. It also involves mandatory Aboriginal cultural education through professional learning and career development experiences for staff. The values and philosophy of Aboriginal education and cultures have continued to be promoted in our school community through a range of experiences. Creating a genuine partnership with far-west NSW school, Menindee Central School, has strengthened our links with this Aboriginal community and provided various learning opportunities, such as video conferencing during NAIDOC Week.
Other ways that our school has maintained ongoing learning about Aboriginal Australia include:
- Entering the National NAIDOC Week Poetry Competition,
- Implementing special classroom activities during NAIDOC Week, including reading Dreamtime stories, Aboriginal artwork, playing Aboriginal games and sports in PE,
- Having a NAIDOC Week assembly for Years 3 – 6 featuring guest speaker, Dave Lardner (Aboriginal Education Officer, Northern Sydney Region),
- Caring For Country Professional Learning Day at Muogamarra Nature Reserve,
- Diverse library display of student poetry and artworks, Aboriginal artefacts and posters,
- Aboriginal Education Consultant, Dave Lardner, presents to staff, focusing on Aboriginal perspectives and the Aboriginal Education policy,
- Flying of Aboriginal flags during National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week,
- Creation of a bush tucker nature trail.
By taking a whole school approach, our school is growing in our understanding and respect for Aboriginal people, their culture and perspectives. We aim to continue our close link with Menindee Central School in future years to strengthen their community and foster ongoing learning for both schools.