Lindfield East Public School

Learn & Live

Telephone02 9416 1955

Advice For Parents/Carers

A Parent Survival Guide

Transitioning from school to learning from home.


How to work from home and keep your sanity in tact as a parent

COVID 19 Resources For Schools - Beyond Blue


How do I explain to my child why there has been so many changes outside the home?

Children need to feel reassured and comforted during times of change. They will take your lead in dealing with these changes and so modelling healthy behaviours and regulating fear/emotions will help them know how to respond to uncertainty. Please spend some time to watch this youtube story with your child called "Time to Come in, Bear" which illustrates the message of why we need to practice social distancing.  


For older children, here is a comic


As a parent, I'm feeling overwhelmed at home

These will be trying times for all of us especially parents and working parents. Please form virtual connections with parents within the school community or other groups, reach out and ask for help. Your wellbeing and your family's wellbeing is more important right now so please keep things simple at home, practice self-care and please be kind to yourself. For parenting advice, you can talk to a qualified counsellor/psychologist at Parent Line NSW. or call 1300 1300 52, weekdays 9am-9pm, weekends 4pm - 9pm.