Support for families with children experiencing anxiety during lockdown - provides general information for managing children with anxiety related to coronavirus. - is a useful site with a number of evidenced based tools and resources to support schools and families. - a good general site for a number of parenting topics.
Smiling Minds ‘Thriving Inside’ is a dedicated section of the Smiling Mind website and Instagram account that is related to managing COVID-19-related stress and maintaining connectedness.
The BRAVE program is an evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy–based online program developed by The University of Queensland for children and teenagers with anxiety symptoms. It has a parallel program for parents to help them understand and manage what is occurring for their children. It can be undertaken independently by children and parents or has the option for assistance from an online therapist.
Free Children friendly ebooks available to download (Click on the link above)
K-6 Smiling Mind Program
Lindfield East Public School has introduced The Department funded mindfulness program, ‘Smiling Mind’. This program is designed to help students achieve calmness and improved wellbeing, develop skills to regulate their emotions and behaviour, improve attention and concentration, and support good learning environments.
Program structure
The program model centres on teachers leading a few short mindfulness 'breaks' each week with their students and one longer mindfulness lesson.
The Smiling Mind program is one of several mental health programs being made available to schools as part of the department's expanded student mental health and wellbeing initiative.
You can download the Smiling Mind factsheet, below, which outlines how mindfulness can help improve learning outcomes by increasing student wellbeing and engagement.
Smiling Mind mindfulness in schools fact sheet (PDF 769.83 KB)
There is a free app available for download that is useful for students, teachers and parents. It is available on Android and Apple devices.
A list of external wellbeing services, apps and information.