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Language Learning Literacy

This year LEPS, with Chatswood PS and Lindfield PS Kindergarten teachers engaged in professional learning and collaborative networks to explore aspects of literacy and learning. They extended their knowledge and expertise through theoretical discussions grounded in research and explored literacy acquisition processes through analogy, observation and related tasks. In Terms 2,3 and 4 our Kindergarten team were involved in 12 half days of professional learning with other ES1 teachers, 4 half days in collegial visits, involving classroom observation and discussion with the L3 regional trainer. Planning and implementing of L3 strategies in their classroom was a important component. Success of this program will be reflected in the 2010 Annual School Report.

  • L3 is a component of the Best Start Initiative that aims to ensure all students are on track in their literacy learning by Year 3.
  • L3 is research based, cost effective Kindergarten classroom intervention program, targeting text reading and writing. The program aim is to reduce the need for more intensive and resource demanding programs in future years.
  • L3 has been designed to compliment the daily literacy program for students who enter school with diverse literacy backgrounds.
  • L3 supports the regular classroom literacy program that is informed by the K-6 English syllabus and the Early Literacy Continuum.
  • L3 provides rich literacy experiences to support all students in Kindergarten to become successful readers and writers.

In Term 4 our ES1 teachers along with Chatswood PS and Lindfield PS celebrated their successes and reflected upon their journey through this Northern Sydney Region piloted program. Mrs Rosemary Chowne has kindly shared this reflection below.


Language, Learning and Literacy

An aspect of the L3 course which I found valuable was the contact with other kindergarten teachers in our neighbouring schools and the sharing of their ideas, experience and resources. As a result of this contact, we organised the making of many exciting literacy games. Our whole program of literacy activities has been expanded and enriched. Listening posts were quickly purchased and have been a valuable teaching resource. Further, our school has decided to invest in t he Magic 100 Word program to improve our students' outcomes in word recognition and spelling in 2011, following on from the success of this program at L:indfield School. The sharing of quality literature and writing samples amongst us over the duration of the course was enjoyable and informative.

One of the most valuable strategies of the L3 course was the implementation of the children working in flexible groups limited to three for guided reading and writing. Also the strong recommendation of the use of the P.M. Readers (which we quickly purchased) has had a massive impact on our students' performance. Our successful use of these readers was enhanced by the study of skill development at the different levels, coupled with appropriate teaching strategies and understanding of teacher expectations. Viv's mentoring, with her emphasis on explicit teaching, student prompting and observation of students' learning proved invaluable to us all. Supplementary whiteboards and supplies of magnetic letters were also quickly obtained in order to implement effective word work which became a vital teaching component of each lesson. This ultimately led to a higher level of phonemic awareness and overall literacy skills.

The Reading To strategy integrated well with our school's visual literacy focus for 2010, with its emphasis on comprehension skills, study of characterisation and vocabulary enrichment. The progression of the Reading To strategy, with its focus at the beginning of the kinder year on the development of listening skills through small group work, to whole class detailed study of quality literature extending over several lessons has been another successful strategy which we have implemented.

Our success with the L3 course has been largely dependent on our reliance on parent helpers to assist with its implementation. We are fortunate at Lindfield East to have a band of hardworking, committed parents who are dedicated to further develop literacy skills in our students.

As a team, we are very pleased with our results this year, and are keen to continue adding to our effective teaching strategies and upgrading our resources. I look forward to implementing L3 strategies next year through the effective skills and resources acquired this year. Thank you Viv for your guidance, time and effort throughout the duration of the course.