Lindfield East Public School

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Web Design Awards 2010

Australian National Champions!

Lindfield East Public School took out first place in the Web Design category of the prestigious WeCreate: Connected Learning Awards for 2010. The Eco Eight team, consisting of eight Year 6 students, used their technology skills to create a website communicating their thoughts, feelings and ideas on their school's environmental initiatives.


In this national competition, open to students K-12 across Australia, teams were required to create a six page website that educates others about the environment and why it is important to preserve and protect it. All aspects of the web design was required to be the student's original work and the site could not contain any commercial images, media, product or logo.


The Eco Eight website, which features an attractive animated splash front page, focused on the 10 things Lindfield East School is doing to reduce its environmental footprint. The site includes a downloadable Action Plan detailing the school's Sustainable Environmental Action Plan, a document that outlines the school's sustainability targets for waste management, reducing its carbon footprint and integrating sustainability learning into the curriculum. Also included is video of the school's Waste Audit, audio of the principal's message, an interactive crossword puzzle, links to relevant web sites, images, text and animations.


Lindfield East Public School's specialist technology teacher, Mrs Cheryl Hill, implements an ICT program for all classes K - 6  in the school computer laboratory. Student teams enter the Connected Learning Awards in various categories annually, achieving finalist status on a regular basis.


Click to see the website: Reducing Our Environment Footprint